Audio by album world_of_orthodox_christian_spirituality

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality V

80:20 минута (13.79 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

My name is monk Arseniye Yovanovich, I live in the monastery of Ostrog, Monte Negro.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality VI

62:37 минута (10.75 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

My name is monk Arseniye Yovanovich, I live in the monastery of Ostrog, Monte Negro.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality VII

55:34 минута (9.54 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

My name is monk Arseniye Yovanovich, I live in the monastery of Ostrog, Monte Negro.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality VIII

64:57 минута (11.15 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality IX

55:52 минута (9.6 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality X

61:03 минута (8.74 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XI

62:02 минута (10.65 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XII

61:38 минута (10.58 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

My name is monk Arseniye Yovanovich, I live in the monastery of Ostrog, Monte Negro.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XIII

69:46 минута (11.98 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XIV

60:04 минута (10.32 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XV

46:49 минута (8.04 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

Теологија у јавној сфери XI

34:24 минута (4.93 МБ)

Епархија Захумско - Херцеговачка и Приморска, у склопу прославе Епархијских дана 2014., организовала је од 8. до 10. фебруара симпосион на тему „Теологија у јавној сфери", на којем су узели учешће еминетне личности из јавног и црквеног живота. Централна тема Симпосиона је била мјесто хришћанске теологије у савременом свијету.

У једанаестој емисији нашег серијала чућете предавање које је одржао др Петар Јевремовић, са Филозовског факултета у Београду, на тему "Реторика моћи и теологија као знање" које је одржао у току друге сесије "Теологија и наука", чији је модерато био Андреј Јефтић. Емисију уређује теолог Александар Вујовић.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XVI

79:04 минута (13.58 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XVII

56:10 минута (9.64 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XVIII

57:26 минута (9.86 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Cristian spirituality XIX

60:04 минута (10.31 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Cristian spirituality XXI

54:33 минута (9.37 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Cristian spirituality XXIII

47:11 минута (8.1 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXIV

57:53 минута (9.94 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXV

51:24 минута (8.83 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone  seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which  once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

My name is monk Arseniye Yovanovich, I live in the monastery of Ostrog, Monte Negro.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXVI

49:21 минута (8.48 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXVII

64:57 минута (9.3 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXVIII

61:29 минута (10.56 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXIX

78:04 минута (13.4 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXX

54:46 минута (9.41 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXXI

71:01 минута (12.19 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXXII

83:37 минута (14.36 МБ)

Father Rade Radan.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXXIV

51:30 минута (8.84 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXXVIII

48:10 минута (8.27 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.

World of Orthodox Christian spirituality XXXIX

51:35 минута (8.86 МБ)

The way, the truth, the life.

Hi there, and greetings to everyone seeking and hoping to find the true meaning of life, those sick and tired of this poisonous world whose soul and spirit are bleeding, and of the emptyness and futility of this materialistic civilisation.

Welcome to our radio show-The way, The truth, the Life. Welcome to our world of supreme love and immortality, where all human hopes are fulfilled.

Welcome to the world of Orthodox Cristian spirituality, a world now unkown to the West which once had the key , but lost it a long time ago, the key that has an answer to every question.